The son of a Samoan mother and a father who was a professional wrestler, Dwayne Johnson has a body that has turned heads since he was in college. He played football at the University of Miami where he had a full scholarship and was on their national championship team. He would have played in the NFL had it not been for a back injury. After playing for a year in the Canadian League, he decided to make a career in wrestling. From 1996 until 2004, he wrestled as Rocky Maivia in the World Wrestling Federation (WWF), but is best known as “The Rock” a name that he later stopped using. After phenomenal success as a professional wrestler, Dwayne starred in the Scorpion King (for which he was paid $5,500,000) and The Rundown (which brought him $12,500,000) and Walking Tall (for a salary of $15,000,000). The success of those films got him the title role of Hercules: The Thracian Wars, a film released in 2014.
Size and girth: natural?
Dwayne was 6’4” and weighed 290 pounds while he played at the University of Miami. His current bios list him as 6’5” and note that he “bulked up” for Hercules. To keep his many fans up to date, Dwayne posted his 22 week diet and workouts on Twitter. What he called The 12 Labors Diet consists of 7 hearty meals each day and “cardio & iron before going to set.” He also noted that the cup on Nemean Lion Blood (served fresh & warm) was optional. He tweets photos of himself showing his training and makeup for the role. Like “One legged hack squat lunges. Slow tempo w/ 2 sec pause at the bottom.”) he posted 15 June 2013)
Steroid Use in the Past
During a USA Today piece on Pain & Gain, a film in which Dwayne plays one of three bodybuilders in Florida who get caught in a situation involving extortion and kidnapping that gets out of hand, USA Today asked Dwayne if he used steroids to bulk up for the role. “Oh, no,” he responded. But, he did say that he had experimented with steroids while playing football at the University of Miami. “We didn’t know what we were taking or if anything worked,” he is quoted as saying.
Steroid Use at Present?
Some of Dwayne’s fans protect him, saying he used in the past but that his present bulk is the result of his fanatical diet and work outs. People who know him say that they believe he no longer uses steroids. But some people in the world of wrestling believe that any way an athlete can enhance his performance is okay.
Other people are certain he uses steroids, in spite of his denial. There is even one website online that goes so far as to “guess” what steroids and what amount Dwayne is on using the title “Dwayne Johnson Steroid Cycle”. There is no way to know whether he actually uses these or not, but they are listed for a twenty week cycle. Among those steroids listed are Testosterone Propionate, Primobolan, Masteron, Anavar, HGH, Ostarine and Aromasin with their supposed amounts per week. Apparently this is known as a specialty designer cycle.
Does Dwayne Johnson use steroids? His body certainly looks like he does, but there is no concrete evidence that he does. Further, in answer to a direct question about steroid use, he says he does not use. His body has been well developed since he was a teenager, so it is possible that he is telling the truth.